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Monday, July 04, 2005 


Last night I spent several hours updating this page. I'm sure you are all impressed with all the amazing changes... right? Actually, you are probably thinking I wasted several hours of my life since you don't see anything different. =p The reason you don't see any changes, besides this new update, is because all the changes I made were behind the scene changes. I finally got around to going over the html of the template I used to make this blog. Some of the changes include adding meta tags for keywords and making the html friendlier for the googlebot crawler. There's still a lot of work to be done, but I'm having fun doing it =) There is one noticeable change to this website if you know where to look. I've added a favicon to this page. The best way to explain what a favicon is would be to give you an example... Have you ever bookmarked a page as one of your "favorites" and when you did there was a little icon next to the bookmark? That little icon is called a "favicon"( ie favorite icon). I've always wanted to know how to add one to a site, and yesterday I was fortunate enough to stumbled across a website with a very good explanation of how -> check it out. It's a pretty simple process actually, the hardest part is figuring out a cool favicon for your site. Let me know what you think of my icon! Or if you have any questions on how to do it just drop me a line in the comments section. =D